omnes Christi, pro omni vita

Welcome to “the Kirk”
The word “kirk” means Church (commonly used in Scotland) and derives from the koine Greek kyriakon (dōma).
Our Mission
The work of the Church is the missio Dei (Mission of God), namely, God’s work of drawing worshippers to Himself through the work of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through His Church (Isaiah 2 cf. John 6:44).
To this end, our mission is to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Our Vision
Our vision may be summed up by our motto, “all of Christ for all of life” (omnes Christi, pro omni vita).
By all of Christ, we mean all of Christ; by all of life, we mean all of life.
Accordingly, our vision is to see a community of believers live their lives in accord with our motto and to disciple them to that end.
“All of Christ, for all of life, for all of Selkirk & the Interlake”
Our Ecclesiastical Vision
To see the leaven of the gospel permeate our community by faithfully undertaking the tasks of the Church, which are worship, witness, and nurture.
Worship: The Church is responsible for leading the saints in biblical, Christ-centred, edifying worship. In a narrow sense, the Church properly leads the people of God in public and corporate worship through the preaching of the whole counsel of God according to His Word, the right administration of the sacraments, and the proper exercise of church discipline. More broadly, the Church teaches the people of God with the authority of God, by word and deed, how to live all of life under the Lordship of Christ in worshipful obedience as living sacrifices thereunto (Romans 12:1–2).
Witness: As ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church has been tasked with heralding the evangel–the good news of God’s kingdom rule through Christ. Accordingly, the Church is to be a witness to the watching world of the righteous reign of the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords by prophetically proclaiming Christ’s authority over all of life that they may call all men and nations to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus and submission to Him.
Nurture: The Church is the primary institution of discipleship and mercy. Our primary goal is to train the saints of God to live all of life for all of Christ. Through the proper use of the means of grace, the Church helps nurture believers to progressively grow in Christ-like maturity, fostering the personal and communal piety of the saints of God. Furthermore, through its various mercy ministries, the Church helps care for the well-being (physical and spiritual) of those in the community, within and without the Church.

Our Kingdom Vision
To see the kingdom of God made manifest through the proclamation of the gospel. The manifestation of God’s Kingdom progressively takes place through the faithful worshipful work of God’s people, His co-labourers, through the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit of God, faithfully submitting all things under Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the true image of God, our Prophet, Priest, and King, prescribes to His new kingdom people how to live in every area of life, and we take that seriously (Matt. 5-7). As those redeemed in the imago Dei (image of God) through the person and work of Christ, we must image our Lord.
As prophets, we are to herald the truth of the gospel of the kingdom of God, calling all men and nations to repent and submit faithfully to the true King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Lord Jesus Christ.
As priests, we are to build a godly culture by cultivating right worship (cultus) in every area of life.
As kings, we are vicegerents ruling under the authority of Christ, pressing forward the Crown Rights of King Jesus and submitting all areas of life–family, church, and state–to His sovereign governance.
The kingdom of God is made manifest, where Christ is recognized as Lord, and things are subjected to His rule.
As the leaven of the gospel works its way through the lives of individuals, families, and communities, each covenantal sphere is progressively subjected to the reign and rule of Christ, whose Kingdom shall conquer and whose rule shall never end.
Our Beliefs
I believe in God the Father Almighty; Maker of heaven and earth.
And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord;
who was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the virgin, Mary;
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into Hades;
the third day He rose from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven,
and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic Church,;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting.Amen.
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
and of all things visible and invisible.And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds,
God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made,
being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made;
who, for us men, and for our salvation, came down from Heaven,
and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the virgin, Mary,
and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
He suffered and was buried;
and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures;
and ascended into Heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father;
and He shall come again, with glory,
to judge both the living and the dead;
whose kingdom shall have no end.And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, and Giver of Life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son;
who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified;
who spoke by the Prophets.And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church;
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.Amen.
Whoever desires to be saved should above all hold to the catholic faith.
Anyone who does not keep it whole and unbroken will doubtless perish eternally.
Now this is the catholic faith:
That we worship one God in trinity and the trinity in unity,
neither blending their persons
nor dividing their essence.
For the person of the Father is a distinct person,
the person of the Son is another,
and that of the Holy Spirit still another.
But the divinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one,
their glory equal, their majesty coeternal.What quality the Father has, the Son has, and the Holy Spirit has.
The Father is uncreated,
the Son is uncreated,
the Holy Spirit is uncreated.The Father is immeasurable,
the Son is immeasurable,
the Holy Spirit is immeasurable.The Father is eternal,
the Son is eternal,
the Holy Spirit is eternal.And yet there are not three eternal beings;
there is but one eternal being.
So too there are not three uncreated or immeasurable beings;
there is but one uncreated and immeasurable being.Similarly, the Father is almighty,
the Son is almighty,
the Holy Spirit is almighty.
Yet there are not three almighty beings;
there is but one almighty being.Thus the Father is God,
the Son is God,
the Holy Spirit is God.
Yet there are not three gods;
there is but one God.Thus the Father is Lord,
the Son is Lord,
the Holy Spirit is Lord.
Yet there are not three lords;
there is but one Lord.Just as Christian truth compels us
to confess each person individually
as both God and Lord,
so catholic religion forbids us
to say that there are three gods or lords.The Father was neither made nor created nor begotten from anyone.
The Son was neither made nor created;
he was begotten from the Father alone.
The Holy Spirit was neither made nor created nor begotten;
he proceeds from the Father and the Son.Accordingly there is one Father, not three fathers;
there is one Son, not three sons;
there is one Holy Spirit, not three holy spirits.Nothing in this trinity is before or after,
nothing is greater or smaller;
in their entirety the three persons
are coeternal and coequal with each other.So in everything, as was said earlier,
we must worship their trinity in their unity
and their unity in their trinity.Anyone then who desires to be saved
should think thus about the trinity.But it is necessary for eternal salvation
that one also believe in the incarnation
of our Lord Jesus Christ faithfully.Now this is the true faith:
That we believe and confess
that our Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son,
is both God and human, equally.He is God from the essence of the Father,
begotten before time;
and he is human from the essence of his mother,
born in time;
completely God, completely human,
with a rational soul and human flesh;
equal to the Father as regards divinity,
less than the Father as regards humanity.Although he is God and human,
yet Christ is not two, but one.
He is one, however,
not by his divinity being turned into flesh,
but by God's taking humanity to himself.
He is one,
certainly not by the blending of his essence,
but by the unity of his person.
For just as one human is both rational soul and flesh,
so too the one Christ is both God and human.He suffered for our salvation;
he descended to hell;
he arose from the dead;
he ascended to heaven;
he is seated at the Father's right hand;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
At his coming all people will arise bodily
and give an accounting of their own deeds.
Those who have done good will enter eternal life,
and those who have done evil will enter eternal fire.This is the catholic faith:
one cannot be saved without believing it firmly and faithfully. -
Therefore, following the holy fathers, we all with one accord teach men
to acknowledge one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
at once complete in Godhead and complete in manhood,
truly God and truly man, consisting also of a reasonable soul and body;of one substance with the Father as regards his Godhead,
and at the same time of one substance with us as regards his manhood;
like us in all respects, apart from sin;as regards his Godhead, begotten of the Father before the ages,
but yet as regards his manhood begotten, for us men and for our salvation,
of Mary the virgin, the God-bearer;
one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten,recognized in two natures,
without confusion, without change,
without division, without separation;
the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union,
but rather the characteristics of each nature being preserved and coming together
to form one person and subsistence,
not as parted or separated into two persons,
but one and the same Son and Only-begotten God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ;even as the prophets from earliest times spoke of him,
and our Lord Jesus Christ himself taught us,
and the creed of the fathers has handed down to us. -
Christ Covenant Church adheres to the great Confessions of the Protestant Reformation–The Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dordt) and the Westminster Standards (Westminster Confession*, Westminster Larger Catechism, Westminster Shorter Catechism).
* American version, 1788. The session of CCC currently takes exception to these standards at two points: (1) Those places in the Westminster Standards that prohibit the practice of paedocommunion (e.g. WLC 177), and the majority historical interpretation of the Heidelberg Catechism (Lord’s Day 30 81); (2) Those places that identify the universal church and the kingdom of God as coequal and coextensive (e.g. WCF 25.2).
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